TT1000 / ThinTanks 1000 Litre Slimline Water Tank
Tank Dimensions:
Length: 2400mm
Depth: 260mm
Height: 1850mm
Tank Dimensions:
Length: 2400mm
Depth: 260mm
Height: 1850mm
Tank Dimensions:
Length: 2000mm
Depth: 400mm
Height: 1750mm
2200 Litre Enviro Round Poly Tank has been designed to give you maximum capacity while keeping a small footprint. This tank will be suitable for those tight spots to harvest rainwater that would otherwise be lost.
Tank Dimensions:
Length: 2920mm
Depth: 580mm
Height: 1970mm
The Enviro 3000 litre Round Rainwater Tank is a well structured and designed tank making the most of limited spaces. This water tank offers the ability to store a good capacity of the rainwater you have harvested.
Tank Dimensions:
Length: 2400mm
Depth: 750mm
Height: 2190mm
The 4000 litre enviro rainwater tank comes complete with brass outlet and ball valve, stainless steel meshed strainer and stainless steel meshed overflow these slimline water tanks meet all the requirements
The Enviro 4200 litre Round Rainwater Tank is has been designed to capture and store a large quantity of water harvested from your roof.
The small diameter and height been under 2200mm will make it suitable for most home applications. Unlike other 4000 litre poly rainwater tanks on the market the Enviro ES4200 gives you an extra 200 litres of storage.
This 5000 Litre poly round tank is a great size for the 5000 litre capacity requirements of people wishing to store a good size amount of rainwater without losing a great deal of space.
Tank Code: ES-5000 This 5000 Litre Poly Slimline Water Tank has a unique dome design using only one piece construction and no internal supports being needed. The water tank is 100% UV stabilized for our tough Australian conditions with 100% food grade material. The ES-5000 poly slimline rainwater tank comes complete with brass outlet and…
Tank Dimensions:
Length: 2790mm
Depth: 720mm
Height: 1960mm
Tank Dimensions:
Length: 2900mm
Depth: 760mm
Height: 1220mm
Tank Dimensions:
Length: 2480mm
Depth: 620mm
Height: 1760mm